About the SHD

The Superhero Dictionary was started in the summer of 1999, but did not get on the Internet until February 12, 2000. It was started to educate myself and others on the meanings of superhero names and how those meanings reflect their powers, background, etc.

In late September, 2000, the site was totally redone. The setup has changed, giving each Superhero their own page, and the search engine was reconfigured to give better results.

In addition, extra articles are being added to further show how Superheroes are related to each other and how most of them correspond to real life people, places, myths, etc.

If you have any concerns, questions, or comments, feel free to e-mail Sohrab Rezvan-Mojarrad

Here is how each Superhero's page will be formatted:
Sample Image
Superhero Name (Company)
Short description of superhero.
First Definition
part of speech - click here to see a key defining different parts of spech

1. Definition 1
2. Definition 2
Second Defintion
Sometimes, more than one word will be defined. The formatting for this word will be the same as the word defined above.

Pronunciation (WAV Format) - click on this link to hear a pronunciation in a standard audio format
Pronunciation (Real Audio Format) - click on this link to hear a pronunciation in Real Audio format - you will need to download the Real Audio Player if you do not already have it

Also See: click on the underlined words here to see a related word not defined above

Related Articles: click on the underlined words here to see a page further explaining this term and how how it fits in with other related terms

© Sohrab Rezvan-Mojarrad 1999 - 2002
I have not created any of the Superheroes listed on this web site; all Superheroes are property of their respective companies. All of the Superhero descriptions used on this site were obtained from various sources (including trading cards and comic books), and are therefore also property of their respective companies. The definitions were obtained from dictionaries and all images are property of the company printed on the images.