Picture of Bizarro Bizarro (DC Comics)
A grotesque imitation of Superman fashioned out of lifeless matter, Bizarro possesses all of his might but only a dim copy of Superman's super-keen mind.
1. very odd in manner, or appearance; grotesque
2. marked by extreme contrasts and incongruities of color, design, or style
3. unexpected and unbelievable; fantastic; strange; odd
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Also See:
Doctor Strange
Mister Fantastic

© Sohrab Rezvan-Mojarrad 1999 - 2002
I have not created any of the Superheroes listed on this web site; all Superheroes are property of their respective companies. All of the Superhero descriptions used on this site were obtained from various sources (including trading cards and comic books), and are therefore also property of their respective companies. The definitions were obtained from dictionaries and all images are property of the company printed on the images.